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Child neurologists

She graduated at the Faculty of General Medicine of the Charles University in Prague
In 1992 she finished her specialisation in pediatrics and in 1997 in child neurology, in both of these specialisations she has a license from the Czech Medical Chamber
Since 1993 she was working as the leading physician at the Clinic of Child Neurology of the 2. LF UK a FN Motol , she also did counselling for child hemato-oncology and transplantation department
She teaches as an external lecturer at the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague 2. LF UK
She absolved a child neurology course in Salzburg
She does dozens of presentations in seminars and national symposiums about child neurology, she regularly participates in international meetings
She is a member of the Society of Paediatric Neurology ČLS JEP and International Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group
She collaborated on a number of clinical trials (for example Tiagabin, Kiovig)
Since 2016 she has worked at INEP, she is interested in the wide spectrum of problematics in child neurology, focusing on neuro-infections and • autoimmune diseases
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients
MUDr. Kateřina Paděrová
the head of the child neurological department

She graduated in the 1. LF UK in Prague
In 2015 she finished her specialisation in pediatrics and in 2016 in child neurology,
From 2003 to 2011 she worked as a secondary clinician at the Clinic of Child Neurology at the Motol University Hospital
From 2011 to 2016 she operated as a secondary clinician at the Paediatric Clinic of the IPVZ, 1. LF UK a TN
She absolved a developmental neurology course at the Child Neurology Department of the Thomayer Hospital
Regularly, she takes part in congresses and seminars about child neurology, she also participates in grand rounds at the Motol University Hospital
Since 2016 she has worked at INEP, she is interested in the wide spectrum of problematics in child neurology
At the same time she operates at the Emergency Department for Children at the FN Motol Hospital and she is a substitute pediatrician in a consulting room for children and adolescents
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients
MUDr. Hana Bémová

MUDr. Michaela Lifková
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 3. LF UK in Prague
In 2012 she finished her specialisation in pediatrics and in 2014 in child neurology
Since 2009 she has worked as a clinician at the Clinic of Child Neurology 2. LF UK a FN Motol
From 2008 to 2009 she got her clinical experience in the Marienhospital Bottropin Germany, where she was working as a pediatrician and child neurologist
She was a lecturer at the University of Health and Social Care
She absolved a training for telephonic crisis intervention for children, she worked as a consultant for Lince bezpečí
She did a number of international internships in Germany, Austria, Brazil and Israel
Regularly, she participates in meetings and seminars about child neurology, where she also lectures
Since 2016 she has worked at INEP, she is interested in many child neurological difficulties
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English and German speaking patients

MUDr. Zora Ouzká
CV is being prepared