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Monday to Friday, 8:00 - 20:00
phone: 222 201 020, email: info@inep.cz
Child psychiatrists

MUDr. Štěpánka Kicková, Ph.D.
the head of the ambulance of child psychiatry
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 2. LF UK in Prague
In 2015 she finished her specialisation in child and adolescent psychiatry
At the moment she is finishing postgraduate study degree in psychology at the Charles University in Prague, she is interested in problematics of early diagnostics of autism in children
She works as a secondary clinician at the Child Psychiatric Clinic of the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and Motol University Hospital , where she also teaches medical students
She did a number of international internships, for example in Italy or in Canada
She delivers presentations in Czech or international conferences, she is also an author or co-author of articles in scientific journals (for example in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment)
Since 2014 she has worked at INEP, her main interests are treatment of patients with disorders of the autistic spectrum or diagnostics and therapy of Tourette syndrome
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English and Italian speaking patients

MUDr. Gisela Kratochvíl Vaněčková
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague
In 2018 she finished her specialisation in child and adolescent psychiatry
From 2008 to 2009 she worked as a secondary clinician at the Child Psychiatric Hospital Louny
From 2009 to 2019 she was working as a secondary clinician at the Child Psychiatric Clinic of the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and Motol University Hospital, where besides her clinical work she also did a scientific research
From 2014 to 2019 she absolved psychotherapeutic training in Systematic familty therapy in the Institute of Family Therapy in Prague
She is the main author of a scientific article in journal Czech and Slovak Pediatrics
Since 2019 she has been working at INEP, she focuses on treatment of patients with eating disorders and family psychotherapy
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for German speaking patients

MUDr. Marie Pozdílková
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 2. LF UK in Prague
From 2012 to 2016 she worked as a secondary clinician at the Child Psychiatric Clinic of the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and Motol University Hospital in Prague
In 2013 she absolved a clinical and experimental internship at the Mood Disorders Centre of Ottawa
She is a co-author of articles in scientific journals (Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)
Since 2017 she has worked at INEP
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients

MUDr. Nikol Přibilová
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
Since 2010 she has worked as a secondary clinician at the • Child Psychiatric Hospital in Louny
At the moment she is finishing her specialisation in child and adolescent psychiatry
She also does a postgraduate study degree research in Neurosciences with Dr. Paclt about ADHD, the importance of genetic factors and the use of medical imaging
She participated in solving grant IGA MZČR NT 14177 - 3/2013
She is an author and co-author of articles in scientific journals, she also delivers presentations at international conferences
Since 2017 she has worked at INEP
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients

MUDr. Jana Šolcová
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 2. LF UK in Prague
From 2012 to 2014 she worked as a secondary clinician at the Psychiatric Hospital in Horní Beřkovice
Since 2014 she has worked as a secondary clinician at the Child Psychiatric Clinic of the Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and Motol University Hospital in Prague
In 2018 she finished her specialisation in child and adolescent psychiatry
At the moment she takes part in group psychoanalytic psychotherapy training at the Czech Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ČSPAP)
Since 2022 she has worked at INEP
She focuses on diagnostics and treatment of eating disorders, affective disorders and disorders of autistic spectrum
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients