INEP main office - opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00 - 20:00
phone: 222 201 020, email: info@inep.cz
Clinical trials

Martin Zein
clinical trials coordinator
He graduated at the Lohmühlengymnasium in Hamburg
He absolved postgraduate studies and practice in the Berufliche Schule City Süd in Hamburg focused on international business
He operated as a coordinator for German speaking countries for the international student identity card ISIC in the representation of the global student organization UN at the travel agency for students Reisedienst Deutscher Studentenschaften
He co-founded and pursued a specialised travel agency Prag-Reisen established in Hamburg
He is a co-owner of conference agency Conference Partners Prague s.r.o.
He is a supervisor of secretariate of the Neuropsychiatric Forum in Prague
Since 2014 he has worked at INEP
He speaks fluently English and German

Sternberg Alexandra
clinical trials coordinator
CV is being prepared

MUDr. Ondřej Fiala, Ph.D.
principal investigator for neurological trials
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 2. LF UK in Prague
He got his clinical experience at the Neurological Clinic 1. LF UK and VFN in Prague and in the Centre of Extrapyramidal Disorders
From 2007 to 2009 he worked abroad in the fundamental research focused on the molecular pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (Experimental Neurology Unit, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany)
In 2012 he finished his specialisation in neurology
In 2014 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation called “The genetics and phenotype characteristics of Parkinson’s disease” and earned a Ph.D. degree at the Charles University in Prague
His major clinical interests are extrapyramidal and neurodegenerative disorders, he repeatedly publishes articles and delivers presentations regarding both topics, he also received a number of important grants
He is a co-founder of the Neuropsychiatric Forum and of the Association of Patients with Tourette Syndrome, he is also a member of Czech Neurological Society ČLS JEP, Movement Disorders Society and the European Society for the Study of Tourette Syndrome
Since 2017 he has been a member of the committee of the Extrapyramidal Section of the Czech Neurological Society
In INEP he is the head of the neurological department and a professional representative, he focuses particularly on diagnostics and treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, tremors, tics and Tourette syndrome
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients

MUDr. Alexander Nawka, Ph.D.
principal investigator for psychiatric trials
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
In 2010 he finished his specialisation in psychiatry
In 2013 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation called “The Use of restrictive interventions in psychiatry” and earned a Ph.D. degree at the Charles University in Prague
He did a number of international internships and study scholarships in Germany, England, Brazil, Japan and India
He works as a specialist assistant at the Psychiatric clinic of the 1. LF UK a VFN where he not only works but also teaches psychiatry and participates in a scientific research
He also works for company Medavante, where he investigates patients entering to a clinical trial
As a clinician, he also operates in a psychiatric consulting room in Dresden, Germany
He participates in many European granted projects (for example EUNOMIA, ESO, DEMoB.inc, ISoSCCiP ) and he was the main solver of projects financed by the University of California, Berkeley, USA
He’s a member of the European Psychiatric Association, The Psychiatric Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně, and he is a vice-chairman of the Neuropsychiatric Forum
From 2010 to 2011 he was the president of the European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees
He is an author and co-author of more than 30 scientific articles in international journals with impact factor (for example World Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry, Schizophrenia Research, Psychiatric Services) and 3 chapters in international monographs
He gives dozens of presentations in Czech as well as international conferences
Since 2014 he has worked at INEP, his main interests are the diagnostics and treatment of anxiety, depression a and other mood swings, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English and German speaking patients

MUDr. Tomáš Nežádal, Ph.D.
principal investigator for neurological trials
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
In 2003 he finished his specialisation in neurology
In 2010 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation called “Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures” and earned a Ph.D. degree at the Palacky University in Olomouc
Since 2016 he has worked at the department of neurology of the Military University Hospital in Prague he focuses on epileptology and headache
From 1996 to 2015 he worked at the neurological department of the Na Františku Hospital, where he was the head of the video- EEG monitoring unit in the epilepsy centre
He also does emergency services at the intensive care unit in the • Regional Kladno Hospital JIP neurological department
He is an electroencephalography specialist and epileptologist
He teaches at the Neurosurgical clinic of the 1. LF UK in Prague
He did an internship at the Cleveland Clinic in the USA
He is an author and co-author of more than 20 scientific articles in international journals with impact factor (for example Neurological Research, Seizure) and co-author of many monographs ( for example Clinical electroencephalography, Epilepsy of temporal lobe etc.)
He gives dozens of presentations in Czech as well as international conferences
He is a member of the Czech Neurological Society ČLS JEP, Czech Association for Clinical Neurophysiology and Czech League against Epilepsy
Since 2014 he has worked at INEP and his main interests are epilepsy diagnostics and treatment, headache and conditions between neurology and psychiatry
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients
Luisa Engelová
clinical trials assistant
She studied at the advertising and marketing school
She worked in the marketing department and as an accountant for Tesco Stores Czech republic a.s
From 2007 she was an assistant of the financial director in PPF a.s.
Since 2016 she has worked at INEP
She speaks English