INEP main office - opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00 - 20:00
phone: 222 201 020, email: info@inep.cz

MUDr. Alexander Nawka, Ph.D.
the head of the psychiatric department
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
In 2010 he finished his specialisation in psychiatry
In 2013 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation called “The Use of restrictive interventions in psychiatry” and earned a Ph.D. degree at the Charles University in Prague
He did a number of international internships and study scholarships in Germany, England, Brazil, Japan and India
He works as a specialist assistant at the Psychiatric clinic of the 1. LF UK a VFN where he not only works but also teaches psychiatry and participates in a scientific research
He also works for company Medavante, where he investigates patients entering to a clinical trial
As a clinician, he also operates in a psychiatric consulting room in Dresden, Germany
He participates in many European granted projects (for example EUNOMIA, ESO, DEMoB.inc, ISoSCCiP ) and he was the main solver of projects financed by the University of California, Berkeley, USA
He’s a member of the European Psychiatric Association, The Psychiatric Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně, and he is a vice-chairman of the Neuropsychiatric Forum
From 2010 to 2011 he was the president of the European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees
He is an author and co-author of more than 30 scientific articles in international journals with impact factor (for example World Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry, Schizophrenia Research, Psychiatric Services) and 3 chapters in international monographs
He gives dozens of presentations in Czech as well as international conferences
Since 2014 he has worked at INEP, his main interests are the diagnostics and treatment of anxiety, depression a and other mood swings, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English and German speaking patients

MUDr. Daniela Domluvilová
CV is being prepared

MUDr. Boris Dvořáček
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 3. LF UK in Prague
At the moment he is finishing his specialisation in psychiatry
He works as a secondary clinician at the Psychiatric clinic of the 1. LF UK a VFN
He did a number of international internships (in Portugal and Brazil )
During his postgraduate studies in the Prague Psychiatric Centre he was doing a research called “The use of neuronavigation in the affection of the visual cortex using a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation”
He also takes part in teaching medicine students at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague
Since 2014 he has worked at INEP, he is interested mostly in the diagnostics and therapy for anxiety, mood disorders and psychotic diseases including schizophrenia
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English and Portuguese speaking patients

MUDr. Jiří Dvořák
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Hradec Králové
At the moment he is finishing his specialisation in psychiatry
For more than 4 years, he worked as a secondary clinician at the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice at the Department of Acute and Follow-up Psychiatric Care for adults, geriatric and addicted patients, and at the Department of Mandated Treatment (or treatment ordered by a court)
He worked at the Clinic of Ambulant Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (KAPPA Clinic) in Prague for 3 years
As an externist he also worked at the Children’s and Adolescent Detoxification Centre at Hospital: Nemocnice Milosrdných sester sv. Karla Boromejského in Prague
He participated in the international cooperation group of young doctors, with the purpose of destigmatisation and making the psychiatric care more accessible to public community
He is a member of the Psychiatric Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně, and of the Czech Society of Neuropsychopharmacology
He is a participant of the psychotherapy training in SLEA ( Society for Logotherapy and Existential Therapy)
Since 2022 he has worked at INEP and he focuses mostly on the diagnostics and treatment of many psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety, mood disorders, sleep or attention disorders, burn-out, or psychotic disorders
His services are available for Czech and English speaking patients

MUDr. Tomáš Glaser
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Hradec Králové
He finished his specialisation in psychiatry in 2017
At the moment he is taking part in extended specialisation in geriatric psychiatry
He worked as a secondary clinician at the Psychiatric clinic of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague
He was also a teaching assistant at the First Faculty of Medicine
In his postgradual studies he did a research about “ Possibilities of impacting the symptoms of dementia and delirium by chronobiological therapy”
Since 2019 he has been working at INEP and he focuses mostly on diagnostics and treatment of organic disorders and dementia, as well as anxiety, mood disorders and psychotic diseases including schizophrenia
His services are available for Czech and English speaking patients

MUDr. Lucia Hoskovcová
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the Faculty of Medicine of Palacky University in Olomouc
At the moment she is finishing her specialisation in psychiatry
She works as a secondary clinician at Psychiatry Hospital Bohnice
Since 2019 she has been working at INEP and her main interests are diagnostics and therapy of psychotic disorders, anxiety, mood disorders and stress-related disorders
Her services are available for Czech and for English speaking patients

MUDr. Vladimír Kmoch
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague
He finished his specialisation in psychiatry in 2009
He worked as a secondary clinician at the Psychiatric clinic of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague
He is the head of Outpatient Ward for Non-alcohol Addiction at the Department of Addictology of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague
He is also a teaching assistant at the First Faculty of Medicine, he teaches psychiatry and clinical addictology, he is also a lecturer at the Institute for Postgradual Medical Education
He did many international internships and scholarships in the USA (Harvard Medical School, Belmont, Houston), Berlin, Heidelberg, London and Baku
He is a reviewer of medical journals- Czech and Slovak Psychiatry, Addictology, Addictology in Prevention and Therapy
He is a member of The Psychiatric Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně, where he was a a vice-chairmain of Section for Young Psychiatrists, he is a co-founder of the Neuropsychiatric Forum, and a member of Association for Addictive Diseases
Since 2019 he has been working at INEP and his main interests are diagnostics and therapy of mood disorders, stress-related disorders, and addictology, including digital addiction
His therapeutic methods include motivational interviewing, he absolved a Crisis Intervention Training, course of nonverbal communication, psychosomatics, work with dreams, garden therapy, he is also a yoga instructor
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients

MUDr. Lucie Nawková, Ph.D.
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
In 2010 she finished her specialisation in psychiatry
In 2012 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation called “The image of mental disorders in printed media in three middle-European countries” and earned a Ph.D. degree at the Charles University in Prague
She did a number of international internships and study scholarships in the UK, Greece, and Brazil
She works as a specialist assistant at the Psychiatric clinic of the 1. LF UK a VFN, where she not only works but also teaches psychiatry and participates in a scientific research
She was a solver of many international projects, for example, EUNOMIA, ISoSCCiP and a project financed by the University of California, Berkeley, USA
In 2010 she received an award from the committee of the Psychiatric Society of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně for her work “ Media and psychiatry”
She is an author and co-author of more than 10 scientific articles in international journals with impact factor ( for example BMC Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology)
Since 2014 she has worked at INEP, her main interests are diagnostics and treatment of anxiety, mood swings, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients

MUDr. Kristýna Paulová
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Pilsen
At the moment she is finishing her specialisation in psychiatry
She worked as a secondary clinician at Psychiatry Hospital Bohnice
Since 2021 she has been working at INEP and her main interests are diagnostics and therapy of affective and psychotic disorders, anxiety and stress-related disorders
She works in the Cognitive Centre at INEP, where she focuses on diagnostics and treatment of cognitive disorders, especially memory disorders
She also works in psychiatric ambulatory care at Prosek Clinic, Prague 8
Her services are available for Czech and for English speaking patients

MUDr. Marie Pitoráková
She graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
At the moment she is finishing her specialisation in psychiatry
She is also doing a postgraduate study degree in neuroscience at the Charles University in Prague, her dissertation work is about "Depressive disorder, cardiovascular system, EKG mapping depending on somatic comorbidities".
As a secondary clinician, she works at the Kosmonosy Psychiatric Hospital
Since 2014 she has worked at INEP, her main interests are diagnostics and therapy of affective, anxious, psychotic and stress induced disorders
Her services are available not only for Czech but also for English speaking patients

MUDr. Miroslav Sekot
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the 1. LF UK in Prague
In 1995 he finished his first degree attestation, in 1998 he completed his second degree attestation
He absolved a group psychotherapeutic training in integrative psychotherapy, psychotherapy is his functional specialisation
To 2013 he worked as the chief clinician of the Crisis Centre and Helpline at the Psychiatric Clinic of the 1. LF UK a VFN, • where he still works as a specialist assistant in teaching psychiatry
He also teaches psychiatry for certified rescuers at VOŠZ 5. května,and works at emergency of the Psychiatric Clinic 1. LF UK a VFN
As a training instructor, he operates in the Skala Institute (an institute of integrative group psychotherapy), in which he is also leading, in collaboration with Ms. PhDr. Frouzova, the fourth psychotherapeutic community
His other working activities are in the Centre of the Mental Health in Prague 9, Centre for seniors in Mělník , and counselling alcohol addicted women in ALMA Centre in Prague 7
He participated in an international granted project about the research of E.D.E.N. social welfare foundation
He is an author of more than 50 scientific articles in Czech, as well as international journals
He is a member of the Czech Psychotherapeutic Society and Czech Psychiatric Society, in which he is working on a project about designing the proper psychiatric treatment
Since 2017 he has worked at INEP, his main interests are problematics of depressive, anxious a psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders, addictions and gerontopsychiatry
His services are available not only for Czech but also for English, German and Russian speaking patients (the individual psychotherapy is recommended only for Czech patients)

MUDr. Alexander Varga
He graduated in the General Medicine programme at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague
In 2016 he finished his specialisation in psychiatry
In 2019 he finished his specialisation in sexuology
In 2019 he completed self-experience part of psychodynamic psychotherapy training
He is the head psychiatrist at the Department of Sexuology and Psychotherapeutic Department of Horní Beřkovice Hospital
Since 2020 he has been working at INEP and his main interests are firstly diagnostics and therapy of affective, psychotic, anxiety and stress-related disorders, secondly also diagnostics and therapy of sexual disorders (sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation, disorders of sexual preference etc.)
He offers his services in Czech or English language